Death and Dying

Being a pastor, I am probably exposed to death and dying more than the average person.  Last week I was with a family as they agonized over taking their beloved wife and mother off life support.  The next day I was with them as she passed into eternity.  This week I visited with a woman who suffered a stroke last year and is still fighting to recover from it.  On Thursday I went to the hospital with a lady from our church whose son is also fighting for his life.  And just this morning, we learned that a fellow who is very connected with our church and who suffers from heart problems was rushed into the emergency room.

We all know that death is inescapable, but yet it often seems to creep up on us in unexpected ways.   Truly, life is short and life is precious and we need to make the most of however much time God’s gives us.  The bible tells us that “it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment.” (Hebrews 9:27)  We cannot escape death and we cannot escape judgment.  In light of that, my question for you is quite simple:

Are you ready to die?

If you answered “yes” to that question, then, are you preparing for death?

You just never know when your time might come.  The best thing that you can do is to set your gaze and your focus on Christ.  If Jesus is your hope, your joy, your desire, and as Paul said, “your life,” (then Philippians 1:21), then there is no need to fear death.  You will be able to affirm with Paul that “to die is gain.”

Please don’t take this matter lightly.  It is a matter of life of death and what could be more important than that?

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