6 Things to Remember in Your Christmas Sermon Preparation

When Advent rolls around each year, most pastors make a slight pivot in their preaching and sermon content. If they are preaching through a book of the Bible, that gets pushed aside for a few weeks in order to focus on the coming of Christ. There are unique challenges and temptations that must be navigated in preaching Christmas sermons, but there are also opportunities. Just … Continue reading 6 Things to Remember in Your Christmas Sermon Preparation

8 Billion Reasons to Celebrate

According to the United Nations, this past November (2022), the population of the world hit 8 billion. After taking thousands of years to cross the 1 billion plateau (reached in the early 1800’s) it took just 12 years for the world to grow from 6 to 7 billion people, and another 12 years to grow from 7 to 8 billion. Projections suggest that as population … Continue reading 8 Billion Reasons to Celebrate