6 Things to Remember in Your Christmas Sermon Preparation

When Advent rolls around each year, most pastors make a slight pivot in their preaching and sermon content. If they are preaching through a book of the Bible, that gets pushed aside for a few weeks in order to focus on the coming of Christ. There are unique challenges and temptations that must be navigated in preaching Christmas sermons, but there are also opportunities. Just … Continue reading 6 Things to Remember in Your Christmas Sermon Preparation

The Santa Gospel and the True Gospel

Several years ago my wife purchased a book for our family titled When Santa Learned the Gospel. It is a fun little children’s book that was written by an Australian author named Simon Camilleri. In an interview Camilleri explained his inspiration to write the book.     Back in 2013 I witnessed something very funny at a local community carols event. As expected, at the end of … Continue reading The Santa Gospel and the True Gospel

5 Reasons to Believe God Became a Man

Christmas is a big deal in our culture. For the better part of a month, we put an enormous amount of time and energy into celebrating the birth of Christ. But how do we know it is true? How do we know that the Son of God was really born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago? Here are 5 reasons to believe in the incarnation of … Continue reading 5 Reasons to Believe God Became a Man